Rules And Regulations

  • Students must respect people and property belonging to the school.
  • Students must carry their KV petals.
  • The medium of instruction is English and students are expected to communicate in English at all times.
  • Any misbehaviour of students discipline will be dealt by the principle and corrective action will be taken.
  • Punctuality is essential at all times.
  • Parents should strictly avoid taking their children away from school during school hours for flimsy reasons.


  • Attendance in school is compulsory. A minimum attendance of 80% is required for promotion.
  • Absence from school must be supported by a medical certificate.

Uniform And Appearance In Genenral

  • Students must wear the prescribed school uniform and any modification is strictly not allowed to alter the length of skirt and pants.
  • Periodic trimming of hair and nails and a clean shave for boys are compulsory.
  • Students are not allowed to wear ostentations or expensive jewellery, Electronic Gadgets like smart watch, Expensive watches, wrist bands, chains and similar accessories.
  • Sportswear with sports shoe should be worn or Wednesday.
  • Students must wear polished black shoes. These should not have any fancy features.